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Ship Security Plan Page 3

11    Reporting Procedure of Security Incident

When a security incident occurred, SSO should report this incident to the Administration, Contracting Government in which port facility the ship is located and CSO, using a Form specified in Appendix 2.


12    Communication System on Shipboard and between other Stations

GMDSS is installed on shipboard as communication system.  In addition to this, ship has portable transceiver for on board communication.


12.1.          Communication on board the ship

Communication on shipboard may be made verbally, or by using laud speaker and transceiver.  For security related communication, the master shall specify the frequency to be used.


12.2.          Communication from ship to shore

Contracting Government of the port facility shall give advice on the communication system and its frequency to be used.  When such instruction is not given, ship shall communicate by GMDSS.  In addition, the ship security alert system is designed to transmit the security alert to Administration or Company.  When Company received the security alert, CSO or his deputy staff should communicate to Administration without delay.


13.    Frequency of Test and Calibration of Shipboard Security Device

(Establish the above instruction referring to manuals issued by security equipment makers)


14.    Ship Security Alert System

Note :

-       This may be established under separate volume, considering the case where the system has not yet been installed.

-       Establishment under separate document may be considered, since the document may be disclosed only to senior officers nominated by the company and retained by the master, subject to approval of Administration.


14.1. Identification of Location where Activation Point of  Ship Security Alert System is provided.

(Indicate the activation point of ship security alert system)


14.2. Procedure, Instruction and Guidance on the Use of Ship Security Alert System, including the Testing, Activation, Deactivation and Resetting and to limit false Alerts.


14.3. Procedures to ensure the inspection, testing, calibration, and maintenance of security equipment provided on board

(To be developed based upon the instructions supplied by the manufacture of the ship security alert system)


15 Procedures of Training, Drills and Exercises

15.1 Training


15.1.1.Ship Security Officer (SSO)

SSO should have knowledge of, and receive training, in some or all of the following, as appropriate:

1.       security administration;

2.       relevant international conventions, codes and recommendations;

3.       relevant Government legislation and regulations;

4.       responsibilities and functions of other security organizations;

5.       methodology of ship security assessment;

6.       methods of ship security surveys and inspections;

7.       ship and port operations and conditions;

8.       ship and port facility security measures;

9.       emergency preparedness and response and contingency planning;

10.   instruction techniques for security training and education, including security measures and procedures;

11.   handing sensitive security related information and security related communications;

12.   knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

13.   recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

14.   recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;

15.   techniques used to circumvent security measures;

16.   security equipment and systems and their operational limitations;

17.   method of conducting audits, inspection, control and monitoring;

18.   methods of physical searches and non-intrusive inspections;

19.   security drills and exercises, including drills and exercises with port facilities; and

20.   assessment of security drills and exercises.

In addition the SSO should have adequate knowledge of, and receive training, in some or all of the following, as appropriate:

1.       the layout of the ship;

2.       the SSP and related procedures (including scenario-based training on how to respond);

3.       crowd management and control techniques;

4.       operation of security equipment and systems; and

5.       testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of security equipment and systems.


15.1.2.Security Duties of Shipboard Personnel

Shipboard personnel having specific duties should have sufficient knowledge and ability to perform their assigned duties, including, as appropriate,  The training pertaining to these duties shall be performed under responsibility of SSO.

1.       knowledge of current security threats and patterns;

2.       recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

3.       recognition of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security;

4.       techniques used to circumvent security measures;

5.       crow management and control techniques;

6.       security related communications;

7.       knowledge of the emergency procedures and contingency plans;

8.       operations of security equipment and systems;

9.       testing, calibration and whilst at sea maintenance of  security equipment and systems,

10.   inspection, control, and monitoring techniques; and

11.   methods of physical searches of persons, personal effects, baggage, cargo, and ship’s stores.


15.1.3.All other Shipboard Personnel

All other shipboard personnel should have sufficient knowledge of and be familiar with relevant provisions of the SSP.  The training pertaining to these duties shall be performed under responsibility of SSO.

1.       the meaning and the consequential requirements of the different security level;

2.       knowledge of the emergency procedures and contingency plans;

3.       recognition and detection of weapons, dangerous substances and devices;

4.       recognition, on a non discriminatory basis, of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons who are likely to threaten security; and

5.       techniques used to circumvent security measures.



The objective of drills and exercises is to ensure that shipboard personnel are proficient in all assigned security duties at all security levels and the identification of any security related deficiencies, which need to address.

To ensure the effective implementation of  the provisions of the Ship Security Plan, drills should be conducted at least once every three months.  In addition, in cases where more than 25 percent of the ship’s personnel has been changed, at any one time, with personnel that has not previously participated in any drill on that ship, within the last 3 months, a drill should be conducted within one week of the change.


Security training should take into consideration various emergency situations that may occur depending on type of ship and cargoes.  SSO should establish scenario of the following, and perform the training:

            Prevention of pirate

            Search of unauthorized visitor on shipboard

            Recognition of materials that may cause security threat to ship

            Search of prohibited article on shipboard

Training to deter attackers from approaching to ship

            Recognition of restricted area

Abandon ship



COS should participate, when requested, in exercises which should be carried out at least once each calendar year with no more than 18 months between the exercises.

In addition, SSOs of at least more than 1 vessel out of the fleet of the company should participate in the above exercise.  When CSO participates in an exercise with the Contracting Government other than the Administration of the ship’s flag state, the CSO should report this matter to the Administration.


In case CSO has the SSO of the ship participate in the exercise, the CSO should dispatch he SSO the scenarios in advance which the entity will make to implement the exercise.  In case of no scenarios prepared, the CSO should liaise with the entity, clarify the SSO’s role and familiarize those matters to the SSO.  In case captain or SSO is requested to participate in the exercise without going through the CSO, the captain or the SSO should not participate at his discretion and report to the CSO to seek to respond to the situation.


16.Internal Audit

Internal audit of the ship should be conducted at least once a year.  Normally, this audit shall be make at the same time when SMS audit is conducted.


CSO shall nominate an auditor for internal audit.  The auditor should be independent of the duties to be audited.


CSO should verify that the internal audit has been conducted in accordance with these procedures.


17. Procedure of Periodical Review and Updating of Plan

SSO should perform periodic review of the SSP to verify that the same is effectively responding to the current situations.

The master should review the SSP at least once a year, together with SMS.


Review of SSP shall be make in consideration of neccessity for improvement of its continuing effectiveness.


The objectives of review are to verify that if it has possibility to improve the current procedures or it is still remaining adequate abreast of the times.  Procedure should be revised at instruction of the company, or when new equipment is installed.


When SSP is used under security level 2 or 3 or responding to the training, all personnel participated in the event should report to SSO of their comments about details and effectiveness of SSP.


SSP is a controlled document approved by Administration.  No part therof, except the contact list, should be amended without re-approval.


With regard to the element of the plan for which amendment need be approved by Administration, the instruction of the Administration should be followed


18. Records

Records of the following activities relating to SSP shall be kept on board.

18.1.For at least 2 years or the minimum period specified by the Administration.

1.       Training, drills and exercises;

2.       changes in security level;

3.       communications relating to the direct security of the ship such as specific threats to the ship or to port facility the ship is, or has been;

4.       internal audits and reviews of security activities;

5.       periodic review of the ship security assessment;

6.       periodic review of the Ship Security Plan;

7.       implementation of any amendments to the plan; and

8.       maintenance, calibration and testing of security equipment, if any including testing of the ship security alert system.



For the period of 10 calls at ports or the minimum period specified by the Administration.

1.       security threats and security incidents

2.       breach of security

3.       declaration of security

4.       security level of last 10 calls at port


Form of record is attached as separate sheet in Annex 4.

Ship Security Plan Page -> 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 <- Total 5 pages

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